This has nothin…

This has nothing to do with real estate, but it just made me laugh. Maybe it will bring a smile to your face as well.

“Nobody wants a pain reliever that’s anything less than extra-strength: Give me the maximum-allowable dosage. Figure out what will kill me, and then back it off a little bit.” Jerry Seinfeld

from Reader’s Digest 6/13 Laughter, the Best Medicine.

About terriwoods

I help people buy and sell real estate in Oregon and California. I want to be the resource for all your real estate needs. If you have a question or even a comment - please feel free to call, email or even text. I take my customer service seriously. Visit my websites at and
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  1. Pingback: Albany OR real estate stats through May 15, 2013 | Discover North Albany OR Real Estate and More...

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